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Arena of Valor Wiki

The Awoken Mech

Omega is one of the Heroes in the game Arena of Valor.

Omega (Old)
Omega (Old)
Omega (Old)
Class: Tank
Role: Control
 Lvl 1  Gain Lvl 15
HP 3364 +372.6 8581
Mana 420 +91 1694
Attack Damage 178 +8.4 295
Attack Speed 0% +1% 14%
Armor 139 +22.9 459
Magic Defense 50 +8.5 169
HP / 5 sec 56 +4.4 118
Mana / 5 sec 15 +1.5 36
Movement Speed 380
Attack Range Melee
Spotlight Video


Omega is a powerful tank hero. His swift mobility combined with the ability to deal massive damage to structures. Makes them a powerful siege weapon against the enemy team!


"Peace or war? That is the question."

The birth of this weapon was juxtaposed with the capability of destroying all weapons. It was unclear whether or not Omega was created to wage wars or to end them.

His existence and the contradictions his abilities possess had captivated and fascinated gods and mortals alike. Omega was one of a kind. It belonged to no specific realm or civilization, yet it possessed intelligence, self-awareness, controlled behavior, and a natural instinct to wage war. Theories suggested that Omega was part of an ancient, powerful, and mysterious civilization that proceeded all civilizations and divine realms of the present. Yet he was the only living proof of it, and was alienated by this world because of it.

The intrigue of Omega's origins were not important, for the more pressing issue was its abilities and their contrasting connotations. Omega's compulsion to wage war and his prowess in battles had led suspicions to rise among the gods. They had every reason to doubt by which method Omega was created to end all wars.

"Violence for violence, war for war!"


           Icon            Name Description Mana Cost Type
Exterminate Exterminate Omega continuously strikes nearby enemies, dealing 200 (+133 Lvl 1 / +6 per Lvl / +208 Lvl 15) (+88 per 100 AD) physical damage on each hit. 140 Physical
Attribute Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3
Base Damage 200 275 350
Cooldown 30 25 20
Crash Mode Crash Mode Omega charges forward, dealing 330 (+249 Lvl 1 / +10 per Lvl / +389 Lvl 15) (+164 per 100 AD) physical damage to enemies and stunning them. 65 Physical


Attribute Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6
Base Damage 330 370 410 450 490 530
Cooldown 9
Vanguard Mode Vanguard Mode When activated, Omega gains a damage absorption shield and increases movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds. The next normal attack deals 180 (+178 Lvl 1 / +8 per Lvl / +278 Lvl 15) (+117 per 100 AD) physical damage, knocking targets into the air briefly. 70 Physical


Attribute Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6
Base Damage 180 210 240 270 300 330
Movement Speed 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Cooldown 12 11 10 9 8 7
Demolition Mode Demolition Mode Omega's abilities deal full damage to structures. Passive

Hero Guide[]

Omega is great at harassing enemies with his maneuverability and control abilities. His abilities also damage structures making him great for pushing.

Position: Bot Lane / Roamer / Solo Lane
Advantages: High movement speed, good split pusher
Disadvantages: Skills can be conjured up slowly.
Playstyle: Aggressive, dive backline, split push
Counter: Violet, Murad, Cresht
Arcana: Indomitable, Benevolence, Focus

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See also[]
